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Feeling Overwhelmed? These Tips Help

author cwalks                                                                  ” The Greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Our greatest weapon is being able to choose how we think and feel. As a teen, I, like many of you, experience the lows and highs of emotions, and it’s okay to do so. Learning how to navigate how you feel and not letting your feelings get the best of you is an excellent skill to master before you become an adult. 

Here are a few suggestions to master your emotions and stay calm when life gets overwhelming.

  1. Rest and eat healthy meals: Take better care of yourself by getting at least 8 hours of sleep. Sometimes, it’s hard to do so when you’re overwhelmed, but sleep is the best remedy for all things hard. Also, eat a well-rounded meal. Eliminate junk food. 
  2. Exercise: Stay active; biking, hiking, playing outdoors, and gardening are all great things to do to keep calm. 
  3. Friends and families: Consider talking to friends, families, or someone you trust. Sometimes, It’s difficult to talk to people you know personally. Then consider talking to a professional; they are trained to listen and give professional advice.
  4. Consider Journaling: jotting down your thoughts on the pages is the best way to process your thoughts and emotions.
  5.  Meditation: meditation helps calm the mind and slow your thoughts and emotions. Practice deep breathing exercises. Breathe in and hold for 30 seconds, and breath out slowly. Doing this exercise for a couple minutes will help slow down your heart rate and calm you so you can think more clearly.
  6. Use different coping strategies: Try various techniques to help you with stress and see which works better.
  7. Be kinder to yourself: Give yourself a break, and don’t be too harsh on yourself. No one is perfect. Give yourself credit for your ability to cope with everyday life, remember your strengths and weaknesses, and accept what you can’t change. Even if things aren’t perfect, you are perfect the way you are.

Remember, feeling emotions is okay and a normal part of growing up. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and slow down. If things get too much to handle, consider getting help from your confidants or health professionals. 


 Bella H.